I thought I read somewhere online I was suppose to be to the station 2 hrs. prior to my departure time. I thought that was a little excessive, but figured airports are just as crazy, so I'd just have to deal. Upon looking at my ticket closer I saw it wasn't scheduled to leave until 11am. I thought it was 10! *sniffle* That extra hour of sleep would have been Golden! I can never sleep before a trip. Mainly b/c I'm still up packing! Even if I were all packed - I'd just be tossing and turning in bed.
With directions and ticket in hand Mom, Savannah, and I were off to the train station. Since we had an extra hour to kill, we stopped at McD's first for a pancake breakfast! :D Mom shared the famous story from her childhood where she and her siblings always loved when they traveled b/c they got to eat out. Until the day G-pa saw a family traveling w/a little griddle, and after that ... no more McD breakfasts! It was eggs and bacon frying in the hotel bathroom w/the air vent running! I can TOTALLY see my G-pa whistling and flippin'! (*I'll probably have to edit this b/c I'm Really terrible at remembering details*)
Finally at the train station, it was a ghost town! I 'checked' my one small suitcase, b/c it's a pain at airports to have a carry-on (w/the security checks and all), so I figured even though it was tiny enough to take w/me - I'd just avoid the whole fiasco of the checkpoint and just let them have it from the get go. I was wondering why the woman was looking at me strangely - but the computer said "...arrive 2 hrs. early..." if you were riding a certain type of train, and since I wasn't sure what type of train they were going to put me on, I erred on the side of caution and went w/2hrs. early vs. the fine print I read later that said, "...arrive 30 min. early..."
Mom, Savannah, and I played a drawing game, and then the dot/box game. We Had to laugh, b/c as the station filled, we were literally the only ones Not holding an electronic device of some kind! Even the toddlers in the station were playing w/games from Leap Frog to baby iPads! :O Yep! It's then you realize ... the world has Officially passed you by! Honestly, that's fine. While those people were with their family - yet paying NO attention to one another, the three of us made quite a few memories! ♥ ~priceless~ ♥
Just like that *snap* - a HUGE line formed between 10:30 and 10:40! Bet the lady behind the counter earlier thought, "Newbie" when I checked in my itty-bitty suitcase 2 HOURS early! I thought - it's 20 min. 'til we're suppose to leave, there is NO way all these people are going to get past the checkpoint and loaded. Surprise, surprise! Not only did the line move at rocket speed, but I discovered there are no checks!! What?! No stranger has to see your under-clothed person half-way across the country to approve your passage?!??! I think I may NEVER take a plane again! (Of course - that may cause a problem if I ever need to cross the ocean again ... guess I'll have to check into the security checks of ship passage!)
I hate the lump that finds it necessary to take up residence in your throat when you have to leave the ones you love. Waving goodbye and trying Not to lose it in front of complete strangers all around you. For the past 5 years, anytime I had to say goodbye to my family, I was traveling in the privacy of my own vehicle, thus I could bawl and sob and bawl with no one being the wiser (until of course my confession)! But this, this is so much harder b/c if you hold in the tears - the lump increases with a fierce intensity and a headache is inevitable! That's when you try to find a seat w/out a partner, face the window, and your reflection is the only one privy to your breaking heart.
The tears weren't sad b/c of my final destination. But with the heartbreak of leaving what I know to be home (where my parents are), mixed with all the uncertainties of what was awaiting me, it was just an upheaval of emotions. If a friend would have been there with me, I'm pretty sure my brain wouldn't have had the chance to imagine this or that ... at least not for very long. My imagination Always gets me into trouble! Final waves and blown kisses were made w/out regard to the long line of people creating a gulf between me and my mom and niece; and then I crossed-over. I left the little building and faced a large Twinkie made of metal beckoning me to enter. From there, there was no turning back.
*chug, chug, chug, chugga, chugga, chug, chug, chug, chugga, chugga, chug, chug, chug,*
And with that - we were on our way. First stop (for me): Chicago!
Once in Chicago I had a lay-over, which was nice b/c then I was able to get some grub! :D After a quick bite and venturing around the train station a little, it was off to find the next train - the one I would be on for the long haul! Did Not want to miss that one! While standing in line, I saw quite a few Amish - And there were quite a few on my train also - it was kind of refreshing to see! :) They did not have electronic do-dads either. ;)
We had to walk in an underground tunnel to get to our train. Holy Long Train conductor!!!! :O It was soooooo long I could Not see the end! My first thought was, "I hope they have potties intermittently dispersed, otherwise this is going to be one Loooooooong train ride!" *insert: I didn't have to walk 2 city blocks to go to the powder room - there was one close by!* :) The whole system was Very well organized. You told the conductor your destination and he directed you to where you needed to go. The first cars were sleepers, and then I saw the dining car, it was really neat! Since it was a double-decker it seemed even more ginormous than just a 'regular' huge train!
When a train starts to move, it's slow and smooth vs. a plane; which you imagine the take off where you have a loud engine and then the added g-force! Which I've always liked, but in my 'older-age' this was a nice change.
After traveling slow and smooth in the dark underground tunnel, finally the end of the tunnel neared, and the light of the afternoon was shining brightly. And then it happened. We took our first turn. Woaw! Sitting on the 2nd level I swayed from the left to the right to the left again. It felt like we were going to tip over and the train was trying to correct itself. I don't know how it would help, but in that moment my first thought was - I need a seat belt! Oh brother! Pretty sure if a train tips over, and you're inside, a seat belt is not going to be of much help to you!
All was fine though. Turned out this was just a 'feeling' I was going to have to get accustomed to - kind of like turbulence. It was just the initial occurrence that startled me.
I absolutely Loved my first train ride!! There was a lot of room. The seats were larger than on an airplane, there was more leg room, and there was a leg rest you could pull out. You weren't assigned a certain seat - just a general set of cars according to your destination - and once they did a 'seat-check' you were allowed to leave your seat and venture to the observation car, or the dining car, or pretty much where ever. With the seat-check, a conductor put a ticket on the overhead representing your seat w/the initials to your destination. That way - when we were rolling into that stop, they could make sure if your were sleeping to alert you of your arrival. And to top everything off there were electrical outlets for your electronic devices, and I'm pretty sure WiFi, even though I don't know for sure, seeing as I had nothing to surf with.
Venturing away from my seat was a little unnerving b/c I didn't want to leave my one carry-on, but I finally gave in - due to a growling stomach, and I'm glad I did. It was nice to be in a different car and have a 'change of scenery'!
View from my window
Destination: OMH
The sun setting on one chapter and rising on another!
The train I was on was scheduled to make 30 stops between Chicago and California. We made it to my stop early, which was a welcomed surprise. Although I loved my first experience on a train - Being on a train from 11am until about 10:30 pm is a pretty long time.
A friend of Nathan and Arlene graciously picked me up from the train station here so Arlene wouldn't have to pack up the kids that late at night just to come claim me. :) It was daylight savings, which if we wouldn't have stayed up talking would have been really nice to take advantage of. Oh well - sometimes, you just Have to talk no matter the sacrifice involved.
Seeing Caleb and Lincoln in the morning was well worth the exhausting trip. ♥xo♥xo♥ And now, the Real adventure begins! :D
1 comment:
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