Obviously, this "Deep - Clean" is going to have to last for the next 10 years, b/c I don't think I'll survive having to do it again! All day today I kept saying - Next year, I'm hiring Merry Maids! See what happens when you're left all day by yourself w/cleaning agents all around you!
Me and "The Clock!"
The clock in my classroom decided it wanted the summer off also - so it's been '7:45' all day, for weeks now. I have AAA batteries, but no AA's. (Which is funny b/c 2 AAA's are missing from my pack and I cannot find Anything in my room that takes them! ??) You would think I would know NOT to look at my clock after being in my room for hours on end - day after day. But noooooo, not me. I keep looking up - and what's worse, I gasp like I didn't realize it was so 'late'. smh Since I do not have a battery to put in it, today I Finally took it OFF the wall!! (Wouldn't you know it, I still looked up at the bare wall when I was curious what the time was.) There's no doubt, I am a creature of habit!
This little guy is famous in my class!
Mice FREAK me out! I know, I know. I'm bigger than a mouse, but for some reason it just does not matter. Since my students have something to hang over my head, I get mouse things all the time! What's worse is, this mouse is from my MOM!! She joined right in with kids!! She saw it at Michael's and couldn't resist! Since it was such a HUGE hit with the kids - I now use it as motivation. If Everyone gets a 100 on a test they get to wind this little guy up and he "Flips for their good work!" I cannot believe how excited they get over this teeny-tiny little wind-up mouse! I think they just like the mini-break they get while Mr. Mouse does his thing. For whatever reason - they Never forget to remind me about "Pinky" xoxo I L♥ve my Mom! xoxo I think of her sassy, 'funniness' each time the kids get to wind this guy up! ♥♥♥
THIS, was part of today's project ... YUCK!
Me cleaning my desk is comparable to me cleaning my room as a teenager. Something I 'knew' I had to do, but dreaded the actual process. I pulled EVERYTHING out of the drawers, and then sat and stared at the pile for the longest time wondering where to begin. As a distraction, I started taking pictures. I thought - maybe if I closed my eyes and counted to three, when I opened them again, my desk would be all clean! Well - that's what it looks like happened in these pictures .... but my eyes were open and I had to count for wayyyyyyyyyyyy more than 3 seconds! hahaha
Ready for a shampooing!
This was the end product though. My desk is all ready for the new school year - and the room is cleared and ready for its shampooing!! I am so looking forward to a Super Fresh start to the new year! :D :D :D
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