Monday, August 13, 2012

Class Prep Day 2

Technically, I was in my room working a little bit yesterday - but today, Monday, was the 'hit-it-hard' day!  I'm Exhausted.  That's right, w/a capital "E"!!  I think I covered a little bit of everything today - from washing windows in my class And the closet to organizing all different types of flashcards to make sure my sets were altogether.

This is how I left my room this evening.  Not quite as scary as yesterday!

This afternoon did my part in keeping our storage organized.

There's a hole in the wall!!!  That's right - a very 'special' little hide-away!  Not too long ago it was not very pleasant opening the door to this area.  I kept Everything that was overstock in my classroom closet b/c I dreaded this large one soooo much.  Some people from the church cleaned it ALL out a few months ago so it could be a functional storage space!  Praise the Lord!  What a Blessing!   :)

To help do my part in keeping it organized I wrote out the contents of what my box stored.  It brought back memories of working at the office and going down in the basement to store specs.  Labels became my Best Friend!  ;)

Yep!  It is Definitely time to go through All the pictures my students have drawn for me throughout the years!  ;)

New Books!
Boxes I have to go through - but not until my class is 100% C.L.E.A.N.!!

Even my closet is showing signs of improvement!  :D

Not quite in the home-stretch of all my cleaning, but I am encouraged that tomorrow will be Very productive!  Can't wait to post the "Finished" photos!  *sigh*  Getting Excited!!!

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