Saturday, August 11, 2012

2012-2013 School Prep - Day One

This summer I gave myself a goal in preparing for the upcoming school year.  I was going to concentrate on everything except school work, end my summer job earlier than usual, and then use that extra time to hit my class full-time.  Otherwise, I get stressed w/trying to do too many things at once.  So today was That day ... Day #1 of hitting it hard!

.....  I'm exhausted!  ha.

Starting out wasn't so bad - I'm really good at tearing things down.  But things seemed to be multiplying!

This is what I came in to

All the western decorations are from last year

Aside from cleaning, I'm also suppose to be getting books ready, paperwork organized, and a whole slew of others tasks from my to-do list completed!  The K-5 teacher, my good friend, JD was also at school working on her room.  She came over for a few minutes and observed I move from one task to another.  Yep!  That's how I roll.  I realized this about myself awhile ago.  I tried correcting it by making sure I did not leave one task until it was 100% complete.  I just ended up wasting time.  So now I just flit around and it seems to be what works for me.  (Don't tell any professional cleaners - they'd probably all have anxiety attacks!)

First Grade overstock organized and ready to be packed up!

Yeah!  First AND Second Grace readers all organized and ready to be used!

You know how things have to look worse before they can look better.  Yep!  Pretty sure I'm in the 'worse' part!  ;(   Had to clean out my closet and this is the result:

I was able (w/JD's help) to pack away these cardboard boxes and overstock books in the school's Big closet - and that freed up ALOT of space in my room's closet!  :D

JD had much the same work load today .... we're looking forward to being able to post the 'after' pics!!

Taking down the old board to make a clean palet for the new one!

I'm nowhere NEAR being ready to start my bulletin boards .... However, w/this being my full time job - I'm sure posting pics of my boards will be up before you know it!  :)   The sooner I get everything done, the sooner I get to leave to visit my family.  That's pretty good motivation for me.  Especially now that my lil' growing nephew may be scootin' around soon.  Don't want to miss anything.

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