Monday, January 16, 2012

Princess Jewel Protection

While home over Christmas I stayed at my sister's home w/her family.  Every morning I noticed something that always made me chuckle.  I'd come back to my niece's room after getting ready in the morning and the three rings I almost always wear would be neatly aligned on her bookcase or dresser, whever I happened to take them off the night prior.

When I packed up to return home I could not find my rings anywhere.  I figured I left them at my mom's because I had checked everywhere else.  Since the time I was younger, I would always put my rings on a certain cabinet handle by the sink when I would wash the dishes.  But when I checked at my mom's house they were not there either.

Desperate to figure out where I left these rings, I thought maybe my sister-in-law had moved them b/c she had been at my parents' and helping where she could while visiting.  I called her but my brother said she hadn't seen them.

For 2 weeks now I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out what I did with them.  A few nights ago I was talking to my niece on the phone and I mentioned the rings.  I was just going to ask her to keep her eye out for them, but before I could get anything out she interupted me.  "Um, do you mean the three rings that are in my Princess Jewelry Box?  There's a gold one w/a little shiny center, and one with a square shiny thing, and then another one w/lots of little ones.  Is that it Aunt Jessica?  Is that what you are missing.  Because I will keep them for you.  I mean, I will keep them from getting lost.  I will not even take them out of my Princess Jewelry Box.  They will be safe in there.  I won't even take them out to touch them or anything."

Oh my.  I was crackin' up.  While on the phone I was thinking - Hmmm - I don't recall putting them In the Princess Jewelry Box!  ;)  hehehe  I'm sure she'll do a great job protecting them until my next visit.  I might have to take her to a jewelry store so she can pick out a ring of her own now.  Then her Princess Jewelry Box won't seem quite so empty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good story, Miss Jessica, a MUST for the book of memories and she certainly does need her own ring for her jewelry box! I really enjoy reading about the children, Keep it up!

Love ya

Miss Daisy