Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Student Helps with Reality Check

Monday the Lower Academy went ice-skating.  The kids were all very excited.
This is my class.
All geared up and ready to go!
There was a lot of fun, had by all!

These were our two EMT-Ice Unit Volunteers
(as they were deemed)
They kept their boots on, so (w/out being asked) they shuffled over to help out any of the younger children who fell.  These are two of the most thoughtful, caring boys I have ever met.  :)

My class after a very exciting time on the ice.
(For a couple it was their first time w/skates on!)

A couple bruises to prove they had been out on the ice!  ;)

Skating was the highlight of our week, so today I had the kids draw pictures and write a couple of sentences about their experience.  All my grading was complete, so I decided to join them.  I wrote the story below.  Of course, I know the girl in the picture is not how I Really looked, but I didn't think it was too far fetched.  Then, one of my students came up to my desk and handed me their paper, and boy did I have a Reality-Check!

This is how I see myself:


This is how my Students see me!!!!
I had to laugh .... Quietly, in my head of course!  ;)

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