Friday, November 11, 2011

Fall Fun 2011

A few pictures from our fall celebration at school today.  It's hard to think of leaves, turkeys, and pilgrims when the trees are bare, snow greets you in the morning, and Christmas is popping up EVERYWHERE .... (*even in my own house!*)

K4 - K5 "How to Cook a Turkey"
I did not give them Any cooking tips - just so you know!  ;)

Casual Day!!  YEAH  We L♥ve these days!
~  Not 'Just' Classmates  -  Friends  ~

Our Yummy turkies!  Everyone did a fab-tacular job!   :D

These are Miss Orr's!!

(*I didn't mean for them to turn out looking like angry birds - But hey! If you were being hunted down for dinner you probably wouldn't be all smiles either!  hahahaha*)
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