For Valentine's Day, my class made silhouettes for their parents. It was something I saw on Pinterest.

I took each student's picture against a solid contrasting color
(my whiteboard)

Jimmy Dean helped me cut out their profiles as precisely as we could
(Not as easy as one might think!)

I put tape on the back side of their profile and then flipped the paper over (showing their printed face) and pressed down attaching our project to the disposable table cloth
(I don't know that it matters what side you use. And I'm not sure if there's a better way, other than tape, to work on this project. I didn't want the kids to have to hold on to what they were painting b/c that would leave marks; but in the end, when I took the tape off, it did pull some of the cardstock off.)

The kids got to paint over their faces w/black paint to create their silhouettes!
(They L♥ve to paint!)
At first they were a little shy with covering their faces w/paint ... but they got over it!
Things got very crazy busy at the end of our day, and I did not get a pic of the finished product!
(*Insert kicking myself!*)
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